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A PC game guide for the holidays


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With the Christmas season fast approaching, comes an opportunity for PC gamers to enjoy the holidays. The PC is blessed with a lot of gaming options, which is also the problem as it can overwhelm consumers. It’s really difficult to select a specific game knowing the prestige of the titles we’ve listed below. In order to address this issue, we’ve decided to categorize games that would suit the player’s interests.


These titles are recommended for gamers that have nothing else to do in the holidays.

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

  • Fallout: New Vegas

  • Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Persona 4

  • Grand Theft Auto 5

  • Borderlands 2

  • Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey

The common trend of these games are their longevity and their immersive storyline. Chances are, you’ll spend more than 50 hours finishing these titles if you include their DLC packs. Each has an extremely intriguing story that will keep you on the hook.

Skyrim offers a fantasy themed medieval setting that will unleash the inner knight, scoundrel, or wizard in you. Fallout: New Vegas is a game that will question your morality as you’ll be faced with tough decisions in solving the dilemmas of every quest. Red Dead Redemption 2 offers a character driven narrative as you deal with the main protagonist’s traumatic past. Persona 4 will keep you intrigued with its fast paced battle system that revolutionized the RPG genre. Grand Theft Auto 5 is similar to RDR 2 in terms of character themed narratives, with a twist of fun from its gangster-themed setting. Borderlands 2 is a fun first person guerilla shooter with an art style and visuals of a comic book. Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey will give you historical twist of Greek mythology and history, blessed with an entertaining array of combat mechanics and flirting conversations.

Most of these games featured are open world experiences, which gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. Moreover, these games are critically acclaimed.


  • Monster Hunter World

  • Final Fantasy XIV

  • Genshin Impact

  • World of Warcraft

These games are recommended for players that would love to devote themselves to a game beyond the holiday season. The downside are the added costs of their expansion packs. Genshin Impact is the cheapest due to its free to play status, however the primogem temptations might entice you to spend.


  • Among Us

  • Saints Row IV

  • Team Fortress 2

  • Left 4 Dead

  • Garry’s Mod

If brainless fun is something that appeals to your Christmas needs, then these games are highly recommended. Among Us is currently the hit sensation due to its minimalist yet chaotic gameplay mechanic of trusting the deeds of your peers. Left 4 Dead can be stressful due to the hordes of zombies, but it can be fun when played with friends. Even more fun if all of you have the intent of shooting every vehicle with an alarm.

Team Fortress 2 offers a free to play experience that can bring some laughs when you start launching those rockets to obliterate the body parts of your opponents or pounding your opponents with a baseball bat. Not to mention the taunts and medic chants everywhere.

Saints Row IV may not have the multiplayer experience as the other titles (unless if you mod it), but its hilarious story filled with dildo baseball bats and dubstep guns will literally force you to roll with laughter. It also helps that you’re given the freedom to roam around with superpowers.

Unlike most games, Garry’s Mod doesn’t offer any specific objectives which adds a spark of uniqueness in every encounter. This also makes it one of the most flexible titles as you can almost do whatever ton of shenanigans you want.


  • Journey

  • Stardew Valley

  • The Stanley Parable

If you’re a firm believer that Christmas is all about the peace and harmony then these games are meant for you. Journey may be boring to some as you’ll only spend most of your time traversing fields, but its beautifully crafted soundtrack and its visuals are enough to enhance your experience. You’ll be surprised that such a tranquil and serene game is considered to be one of the all time classics.

Stardew Valley gives the player a prolonged gameplay experience due to its RPG based farming mechanics. Not only is the game limited to taking care of your livestock and harvesting crops as you can traverse other towns and cities and interact with various NPCs. You can even learn some Tinder or flirting moves from the game.

The Stanley Parable is a narrator based comedy game that will surely bring you the chuckles, but its overall story centered on existentialism will struck you the most.


  • Fallout: New Vegas

  • Assassin’s Creed II

  • Bioshock Series

  • Final Fantasy X

  • Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

  • Resident Evil 4

The graphics may be outdated, but don’t let those fool you. Given their vintage appeal, these games are cheaper compared to their modern counterparts and some of them have revolutionized the gaming scene.

We mentioned Fallout: New Vegas as a time consumer but it can also be included in this list due to its profound story centered on corruption and false bureaucracy in a post apocalyptic setting. Not even its numerous bugs would dampen its quality as it is considered to be one of the most beloved bugged games. The second installment of the Assassin’s Creed franchise is definitely worth visiting as you’ll parkour around the renaissance era of Venice. Don’t forget to take a selfie with Leonardo da Vinci. Every Bioshock game has a unique plot twist that’s worth uncovering whether it comes all the way from the depths of the ocean (Bioshock 1 & 2) or above the heavens (Bioshock: Infinite).

If you want to go way before the Assassin’s Creed series, try its predecessor Prince of Persia. You might even enjoy its never ending list of traps and puzzles.

If you’re new to the Final Fantasy series, the 10th installment is perfect starter given its easy to digest linear gameplay, beautiful soundtrack, emotional story, and lovable characters.

If blood, sweat, and tears are something that fulfills your Christmas wishes, then Resident Evil 4 could be the game of your choice. You’ll be crying and perspiring for eternity from being chased around by ganados, thirsting for your blood.


  • Resident Evil 2 Remake

  • Doom Eternal

  • Horizon: Zero Dawn

  • Nier: Automata

  • Batman: Arkham City

If there are some all time greats that you’ve always wanted to play, then these titles may be worth looking. Resident Evil 2 remake not only has that mesmerizing haunting atmosphere, but its graphics and sound design will surely bring you in awe. Just imagine the footsteps of Mr. X mixed with his iconic music hunting you down. Both Horizon: Zero Dawn and Doom Eternal were both acclaimed and lauded in the Game Awards so you might as well figure the reasons why. Nier: Automata’s unique storytelling and mumbo jumbo of varied gameplay mechanics will keep you at the edge.

Lastly, your childhood dream of becoming the Dark Knight can be fulfilled through Batman: Arkham City. It hosts one of the best plot twists in superhero gaming which we will definitely not spoil. It’s also the cheapest among the other recommended entries we mentioned.


  • Bastion, Transistor, or Hades

  • Psychonauts

  • Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines

  • Cold Fear

  • Ori and the Blind Forest

  • Dishonored

If only the community would appreciate these works of art.

Supergiant Games have always been known for their indie classics which includes Bastion, Transistor, and Hades. Each has a different setting with similar gameplay, but their characters, compelling stories, and their overall artwork are the ones that truly take the spotlight. The narrations of the characters are worth listening for you to appreciate the beauty of these games.

Psychonauts may be the most bizarre gaming experience in this list, but its psychologically inducing comedic tone is worth looking for to the point where it was listed in the 1001 Video Games to Play Before you Die.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines may be a buggy experience but its iconic vampire themed RPG style has made it into a cult following. It’s considered by many to be a flawed masterpiece.

If Cold Fear wasn’t released on the same date as Resident Evil 4, it could’ve been one of the best games in PlayStation 2 history. Its rocky boat mechanic offers a more unique twist compared to its Resident Evil counterpart.

Ori and the Blind Forest may be the traditional platform game, but its heartwarming story and visuals would enhance your platforming experience.

Most gamers would argue that Dishonored was rightfully named due to how underappreciated it was but once you delve deep into its stealth based gameplay, you’ll soon realize its beauty.


Dead by Daylight could be a fun experience especially if screaming like a high-pitched kid is worth your time. You may also try DOTA 2 or CS:GO, but be sure to bring your A-game as the game’s competitiveness isn’t meant for the feint hearted. You may also try Diablo III as an alternative time waster.

For those that love to turn back the clock, Age of Empires, Starcraft Remastered, Homeworld Remastered, or Battle Realms could be your go to game. Perhaps you can include the previous Call of Duty games in that discussion as well. Amnesia: The Dark Descent may be worth relieving for fans of the horror genre.

You’ll never run out of gaming titles to explore in the PC, so be sure to keep an open mind and explore multiple universes. You might uncover hidden gems that are worth more than any Christmas present.


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