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Biggest takeaways from DOTA 2’s The Mistwoods update


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With the Mistwoods update, comes a lengthy discussion where content creators explain their thoughts on the latest patch. The addition of Aghanim’s Shard has truly made its mark that offers a lot of talking points. Can Tinker be a viable support option now that he can provide a barrier? Will core Vengeful Spirit return since you can steal 25% of enemy hero’s base damage? Is pushing the name of the game for Tidehunter and Jakiro? These questions provide a room for experimentations in the upcoming months.

However there are other important angles besides the usual “hero/item got nerfed/buffed” formula. Here are the biggest takeaways from the latest Mistwoods update.


Valve’s decision to incorporate a new item called the Aghanim’s Shard is a welcome sight for enhancing the DOTA landscape. Given its addition comes a plethora of options for players to dictate the tempo of the game besides the traditional item choice and hero selection. From the previous patches, Valve introduced a lot of game changing elements. Every hero can now receive scepter upgrades, talent pools added more dynamism in upgrading your character, and observer wards no longer hold a price tag to encourage players to use support heroes.

With the Aghanim’s Shard, players can experience a diversified tactical scope. However its addition has a broader perspective as some players have noted the meme-worthiness of the shards. Given that The International 2020 was cancelled, it can be concluded that Valve is searching for other ways to keep the game’s relevance. The declining fanbase prior to the pandemic are signs for them to step up.

Will this entice newcomers? The memes might surely do their magic, but the game’s complexity and toxicity remains. Smurfers still exist ruining the lives of Herald ranked players and agitated angry veterans spoil the experience for newcomers. The added effects of the shards further add more complications which might overwhelm newcomers.

Only time will tell if their additions make any sense for DOTA 2 down the road.


Valve has always been known for introducing a new hero that offers something new to the table. They could be enticing to play due to their character design or their revolutionary abilities.

Sadly their latest hero, Hoodwink, felt flat in terms of creativity. Her first skill is reminiscent of Witch Doctor’s cask that replaces the stun with bonus damage and her remaining abilities have similarities with Windranger. Like Windranger, Hoodwink can trap heroes on a tree, scurry away with added movement speed, and unleash a long distance targeted shot. Indeed there are notable differences, but the comparisons between the two can never be ignored. Even the design shares resemblances as Hoodwink is basically a squirrel dressed with Windranger’s garments.

The other new entries offered a variety that clearly twisted the game’s unending list of strategies.

The abilities of Pangolier, Dark Willow, Grimstroke, Void Spirit, Snapfire, and Monkey King were a welcomed addition as they never stem from any of the current hero pool. Though there are criticisms as Pangolier’s ultimate does come from League of Legends’ Rammus and Monkey King’s design is similar to that from his Heroes of Newerth or League of Legends counterpart, they still offered something new when it comes to DOTA’s gameplay.

This ultimately begs the question, is Valve losing their creative edge? We’ll have to find out in their succeeding hero releases. Maybe they intentionally released a ripped-off hero to save their creative juices for life after the pandemic.


Sven and Bloodseeker users will surely diminish from the current changes. If the previous weeks were times when Bloodseeker offlane became a lengthly discussion, the current changes eliminate that train of thought. Given his limited healing potential from his passive ability, Bloodseeker’s laning phase is severely hampered.

Sven who has been one of the most picked heroes in pub matches will finally have to say his farewell speech. God’s strength has been reduced, Storm Hammer no longer applies any damage on impact and his scepter range was nerfed. In fact, Sven experienced a massive decline in pick rate at -9.33% and win rate at -6.67%.

Other heroes like Outworld Destroyer and Keeper of the Light experienced declining win rates as well. KOTL suffered a -6.86% win rate while OD endured an alarming -10.26% win rate. The signs are showing that players are still adjusting to KOTL’s limited team based output and OD’s transition from area-of-effect damage dealer to single target burst specialist. Will this improve as time goes by? We’ll have to see.


Blink Dagger has always been an integral item given its ability to set up plays and provide an escape option. But the recent updates have now enhanced its role as players receive added stat bonuses as well. Depending on your build, Blink Daggers can now surprise your opponents in many ways possible. This immediately debunks the notion that Blink Daggers are primarily used for initiators as core heroes can upgrade it to bombard their opponents. Even position 4 heroes might benefit from this given the cooldown and cast point reductions.

This isn’t the first time that Valve revolutionized a dodge based item as seen with Force Staff and Shadow Blade. The introduction of Hurricane Pike made Force Staff into a core item. Shadow Blade even became a primary item for core players due to its break mechanic when upgraded to Silver Edge.

But it wasn’t just Blink Dagger that should be in everyone’s talking points as Orb of Venom can now be a respectable item. If before, its purpose is only limited to kiting opponents in the early laning phase, its ascencion to the Orb of Corrosion has further enhanced its role. Gone are those days when you can just sell your Orb of Venom for better items.

This clearly shows that Valve does know how to refine their items, making them natural blacksmiths to begin with. Perhaps this answers my earlier question about Valve’s creative output?

And perhaps additional talking points will follow once players accustomed themselves with the current DOTA 2 patch updates.


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