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When Dead by Daylight started incorporating other characters from various pop culture sources, fans realized that the developers are creating a universe for horror or supernatural enthusiasts.
It started when Mychael Myers from the Halloween franchise made an appearance in the game but it never ended there as other renowned characters like Freddy Kreuger (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Bill (Left 4 Dead), Pyramid Head (Silent Hill), Ash Williams (Evil Dead), etc. were introduced.
This opened numerous possibilities for the game, where fans begin to question if Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Jack Nicholson’s character in The Shining will make an appearance. Given their obsession for fan service, I wouldn’t be surprised if the developers would go over the top by including LeBron James as part of the killers given how his gigantic 6’8 freakshow physique frightens every NBA defender. He does have a horror indie game which does qualify him for a spot right?
Here are eight horror or supernatural icons in pop culture that should be included as killers in future installments.
When Resident Evil 2: Remake was released, fans were wowed by its graphical improvements and gameplay mechanics only to evolve into dread once they enter the dark alleyways of the police station.
By the time they return to the crashed helicopter sight, a giant trenchcoated behemoth begins to appear. The dread evolves into an entity that can never be explained. Leon Kennedy’s reaction sums everything up, “Jesus Christ!”
The dreaded sound of his footsteps heightens the anxiety levels of the character and it would be best if the developers would use it more than the usual heartbeat sound effect of the game. Oh and please don’t forget to add his iconic music in the game. Tun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
If you play RE2’s hardcore mode, Mr. X strides faster than ever so good luck running away from that. His footsteps sound even more daunting than before.
Hiding under the debris or relying on pallets doesn’t even sound safe as he can easily destroy any structure standing in his way as seen when he rampaged his way past the walls of the media room straight to a tight corridor in Resident Evil 2.
With the Undertaker announcing his emotional farewell in professional wrestling during Survivor Series 2020, perhaps Behaviour Interactive should consider paying him a tribute by including him as a soul collecting supernatural entity in Dead by Daylight.
Throughout his career in professional wrestling, the Undertaker has conducted a plethora supernatural occurrences. He delivered an eerie message inside a casket that sent chills to Yokozuna. He summoned lightning bolts to intimidate Kurt Angle and destroy the arena in the process. He possessed Josh Matthews to communicate with Randy Orton with his demonic voice. The sound of his bell, means that he’ll teleport as seen with his Wrestlemania boneyard clash against AJ Styles.
Maybe the boneyard will make an appearance as a map. Imagine the souls of Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Diesel, Triple H, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, and the never-ending list of wrestlers making an appearance in the arena.
It will also be fun to see the American badass version of him appearing as one of the survivors and it would be the ultimate fan service to include his chokeslam or last ride maneuver in hooking his victims, blended with the commentaries of Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura, Brain and Monsoon, or Jim Ross, Jerry “The King” Lawler, JBL, and Michael Cole.
Clowns in general are creepy, but Pennywise trumps them all given his ability to transform into the fears of his victims. Each of the survivors in Dead by Daylight have their own backstories and Pennywise can further flesh them out during a match. This will definitely force the player to sympathize with their chosen survivor without the need to go through online wikis and fan fiction stories to know more about the characters.
Not only is his shapeshifting ability an interesting mechanic as he can summon his coveted red balloon to psychologically destabilize the victim. His depiction in pop culture reveal a set of abilities that could be used in-game such as elongating his arms as seen when he killed Georgie at the beginning of the film.
Imagine if the survivor you’re playing is afraid of spiders and all of a sudden Pennywise evolves into one, gaining the ability to pounce on you ala facehugger from the Alien franchise. Jumpscares galore indeed.
When Dead by Daylight released the trailer for The Legion, it was hinted that the new killer could pretend to be one of the survivors drawing hype from fans as well as fear on how they’ll deal with the newest entry. It turned out to be misleading as The Legion never showed the deceiving tactics it was perceived to attain. In return, fans were left disappointed.
John Carpenter’s science fiction horror film tells a story of a group of researchers who encountered, The Thing, an alien creature with the ability to imitate other organisms. You and your teammate might be repairing the same generator, only for you to realize that he isn’t your ally as he reveals a set of tentacles and starts attacking you. He can likewise evolve into a mutated spider or dog that will allow him to run amok and bring chaos.
The Thing’s arrival may further add strategic depth to the game as the team needs to coordinate efficiently to counteract his surprise antics.
“Blink and you’re dead!”
This could be an interesting gameplay mechanic that could be included in the game. In Doctor Who lore, the weeping angels are psychopathic humanoids that have the ability to move in lightning speed when no one is looking at them.
That can easily be dealt with, just send one survivor to survey him. End of story.
Well there are some concerns that have to be addressed for the survivors to succeed. First, can the lone survivor turned warden keep an eye on a weeping angel without blinking and second, weeping angels tend to work in groups.
Incorporating the weeping angels may be a challenge for Behaviour Interactive given the complexities surrounding their gameplay, but their arrival could bring something revolutionary.
One can never imagine a phobia of staring at a TV or computer screen until watching the classic 90s Japanese horror film, The Ring. The film was considered to be a landmark for the horror genre as it soon opened the doors for the Western audience to realize the beauty of Asian horror films. Soon other titles like The Eye, Ju-On: The Grudge, and The Shutter started to creep their way into mainstream audiences.
It’s possible that the developers will place television screens across the map, where Sadako can teleport across various locations or she could conduct dreamlike abilities similar to Freddy Kreuger where she will daze the survivors with a series of haunting clips as seen from her videotapes. Or how about in the American version where she could close her distance through teleportation? Maybe the developers can learn additional information from the novels where Sadako was revealed to have psychic powers which can be used to cripple survivors.
Size doesn’t matter when it comes to horror as seen with how kids can end up bringing shivers to adults as seen in The Omen, The Exorcist, The Shining, and Orphan and the same concept applies with dolls. But the creepiness from dolls stem from the fact that they were made to be nonliving things. Perhaps you had that fear as child that your pet doll will levitate while you sleep.
Chucky may not be as gigantic as the other killers like Pyramid Head or Trapper but his sociopathic and relentless drive to sadistically torture his victims is enough to make him a frightening presence. Since dolls are known to be placed inside closets or chests, perhaps the developers can include this mechanic where Chucky can use the chests and lockers to surprise his prey. His small stature may allow him to use his terrain and play the classic child’s play of hide-and-seek.
Ok maybe size does matter when hooking someone in Dead by Daylight, but Chucky once included, can showcase a unique selling point in his character design. His ability to incorporate a complex set of tools to hang someone on a hook.
The creepy atmosphere of the film caused by the dim lighted environments, the plastic mannequins, that demon jumpscare, and most notably that woman wearing a black veil will force anyone to run away from the movie theater hoping that the image of the woman does not end up in front of your windshield or at the rearview mirror when driving home at night.
Once you safely get home and read the wiki pages to learn more about the film’s lore, you’ll eventually realize that the woman in black is actually a male serial killer known as, The Bride. He is known to subdue his victims both physically and spiritually as he can possess his victims. Imagine the fun you can incur as a killer when manipulating a survivor to jeopardize their operations though it might have some drawbacks similar to The Nurse given that The Bride’s possession of an individual will shorten his lifespan.